
A core part of IMIrJ’s work is Sacred Organizing. 

Sacred Organizing is the process of building and exercising collective power so that Life can flourish for all. In Sacred Organizing, people come together to name gaps between the world as it is and as it could be; identify the specific systems, practices, and policies that are keeping us and our communities from reaching a horizon of life for all; and engage in strategic, collective actions and campaigns that seek to remove those barriers and bring us all closer to that horizon. 

Along the way, we center relationships, nurture new leaders and community, and celebrate and make meaning together through story, song, and ritual. We seek to leave no one behind. We are most powerful when our work and actions are as life-giving and inclusive as the world we seek to bring into being.

The containers and rhythms for IMIrJ’s organizing work are ever-evolving and responsive to local needs, movement momentum, and emerging opportunities. In recent years, we’ve experimented with hosting Quarterly Gatherings in different regions of the state, issue and geographic-specific Cohorts, and Sacred Circles -- all ways to build deeper relationships and analysis among people and communities of faith, and thus our power to advance immigrant and racial justice. 

To learn more ways to support these efforts, contact